Friday, July 3, 2015

Her Perfect Man by Jena Galifany - Chapter 16


With the back of his hand, Chase swept the collection of glass figurines from across the mantle, and shattered them against the wall. "You somehow planned to meet him there, didn't you?" Chase shouted. "Have you been seeing him these past two months as well?"

"No." Anna sat rigid, fearful of his anger. He was a madman completely out of control. "How could I have planned it? You sent me, remember?" He paced around the room as she sat on the parlor sofa, watched him, and waited for him to descend upon her like a hawk making a kill.

"What if you have a child by him? Did you think of that? How would it make me look?"

"Yes." Anna's anger rose to replace her fear as she thought of his extramarital activities and how he made her look. "Of course, I thought of it. If I have his child, then so be it." Her voice escalated before she could control it. "It’s more than you have been able to give me." The comment rolled off of her tongue before she could stop it, knowing the possibility existed.

Chase glared at her. "I would claim the child and no one would need to know." Anna burned with anger. Just so no one would know his wife did no less than he had done for several years. Just so he would not be humiliated the way he had humiliated her. Just to keep his social standing preserved and untarnished by scandal, he would favor Anna by claiming Justin's child for his own. No.

"It would be a bit difficult for you to claim a child when its name would be Waring, don't you think? If it were a boy with your name, you would allow Justin's son to be your heir as first born?" She spoke quietly as she looked at him through narrowed, defiant eyes. She smiled inwardly at the look of sheer madness in his wide eyes as he bared his teeth, and a throaty roar escaped his lips. He turned to look out of the front window. He was silent for a long time as Anna reveled in the knowledge that she left him speechless.

Without a word, Anna stood and walked toward the door with the intent to go to her room. It would probably be safer to get away from him for a while. As she reached the door, she heard the shatter of glass. Startled, she turned. Chase had both of his fists pushed through two panes of the window. Speckles of blood formed on his knuckles as he drew his hands inside. He looked at them, and then turned to Anna. He actually looked hurt; from her actions, her words, not the physical damage he inflicted upon himself. For a moment, compassion tried to rise in her, but she quickly forced it down and walked away to leave him with his thoughts, whatever they may have been.

* * * *

As Anna watched from her bedroom window, Chase, his hands wrapped, drove away. She wondered where he was going in such a hurry. She wondered what he would do now that he knew. It did not take long for the thought to occur to her he may be on his way to see Justin.

Justin would be in danger of his wrath and, not knowing, Anna could see Justin smiling and meeting Chase as casually as always. Chase would have the advantage of surprise and poor Justin would be the hapless victim. Is this what Justin meant by acceptable risks? Did he really think someone like Anna was worth this? The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced she had to take a chance and warn Justin. She grabbed a shawl, her bag, and rushed down the stairs calling for Mrs. Weathers.

"I must have Shaw bring the carriage. Hurry." Anna paced in the entry hall. It seemed to take forever before Shaw appeared at the door. She hurried into the carriage. "You must get me to Mr. Waring's house immediately. Quick as you can. But if Mr. Trent is there, turn away before we are seen. Do you understand?"

"Yes, madam," he replied, and briskly climbed up.

Shaw raced through town. He maneuvered expertly through the narrow streets until they reached Justin's street. Shaw brought the carriage to a halt. He pulled his hat from his head as he appeared in the window.

"Madam, it appears Mr. Trent is not here. Do you still want to see Mr. Waring?"

"Yes. Could you drop me off and take the..."

"Take a drive to avoid suspicion." He finished the sentence.

"You are very perceptive, Shaw. Thank you."

"A pleasure to be of service to you, madam." He slapped his cap on his head. He pulled up before the house and jumped down long enough to see Anna safely to the door. She watched him pull away as she turned to ring the bell.

Time seemed to pass so slowly as she waited for an answer. Edward opened the door, surprised.

"Edward, how are you?" Anna said lightly. Before he could answer, she brushed past him, not wanting to be seen outside.

"Very well, Mrs. Trent, thank you," he replied as he closed the door.

"Is Mr. Waring home? I must speak with him." She tried to keep the urgency out of her voice.

"Please, wait in here," Edward led her to the parlor. He directed her to the sofa and closed the doors, leaving her alone with her panicked thoughts. She sat down, and realized how her heart raced. She was thankful Chase was not here. She didn't know what she could have done had he been.

It became increasingly difficult to sit calmly while she waited. She toyed with the gold shell at her throat. At last, the door opened and Justin strolled into the room, closing the door behind him. Anna flew to him, her hands pressed to his chest as he grasped her shoulders.

"Justin, he knows," Anna said, hysterically.

"Who knows what?" Justin smiled down at her. His eyes glimmered as ever as he led her to the sofa, sat beside her, and took her hands.

"Chase." Anna explained. "We had a fight. He accused me of being unfaithful. I don't know what I was thinking. I wanted to hurt him so I told him. He’s like a crazy person. He left and I was afraid he was coming here. I had to warn you."

Tears escaped as she poured out her concerns to him.

"Now, Anna, don't worry about it. Didn't I assure you I would take care of everything?" He brushed a stray wisp of hair from her face. Anna found it hard to believe he was so totally unconcerned.

"But how can you take care of this?" she asked. Her world was crumbling. She regretted her bold attitude with Chase. She regretted her desire for Justin. She certainly regretted the week she spent in Brighton. Justin acted as if it were all just a casual situation.

"You must calm yourself, Anna. This is not good for you." He placed his hand on her abdomen. A wave of dread washed over her.

"Yes, he thought of that, too." Anna pushed his hand away. "He said he would claim any child so no one would know."

"Really? As if I would let him." Justin grinned. He was enjoying this. "I take pride in my work."

The remark struck her. It added anger to frustration. "I came here to warn you and to seek your help. Am I only work to you?" Anna felt confused and hurt. She should have gone to Colin. He would have at least had some compassion.

Before Justin could answer, they heard a horse. Anna ran to the window to see Chase leap from the trap and walk briskly up the steps to the door. As the bell rang, she turned to face Justin.

"It's Chase."

"Well, well, this should be interesting. I thought it would be a dull afternoon." He strolled to the door. Anna caught him before he could open it.

"You have to hide me. He can't find me here." She was frantic. "You can deny everything. I will tell him I lied to make him angry. He doesn't have to know—"

"Anna." Justin grasped her firmly by the shoulders. "You have got to calm yourself." He smiled. "Stay here." He gently squeezed her shoulder. He left the room and closed the door behind him. Anna pressed against the door to listen.

"Mr. Trent, how are you, sir?"

"Mr. Waring." Chase's voice was strong and commanding. Anna tensed at the long silence before either man spoke again. "I have been well, Justin. Business has picked up in the last month or two. Some business is still unfinished between us, though. How was your trip to Brighton?"

"It went very well. Although it took a bit longer than expected to achieve my objective."

Chase laughed lightly. "But your business was completed successfully, am I right? I had no need to ask until now. But the situation is coming to its conclusion."

"Yes. Yes, sir. A very satisfying success it was."

Both men laughed. Anna wondered what Chase was thinking.

"Mr. Trent, what have you done to your hands? Have you taken up boxing?"

"No. I managed some remodeling on my front windows. She can be so defiant when she wants to be."

"Can she, now?"

"Oh, yes. Do you know she told me your son would be my heir?"

Anna stopped breathing as the reality of the situation washed over her. It took a few moments to force air into her lungs again.

"Really? It remains to be seen if there will be any dividends from this venture." They laughed together a second time.

"Oh, there is a return. She's been ill every morning for months. But who sired it, we don't know, do we? Except I have been unsuccessful for years so it must have been you. I had scarlet fever when I was young and they told my mother it would take a miracle for me to become a father."

"How terrible for you."

"It has its advantages."

Anna could stand no more. Rage made her jerk the door open to see the two of them merry as could be at her expense.

"I wondered how long it would take for you to join us," Justin said. "I'll be with you in a moment, darling. You can wait in the sitting room if you like." He turned to Chase. "Now, all that remains…"

"Yes," Chase said in sudden remembrance. He patted his pockets. He pulled an envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it to Justin. Justin flipped through the thick bundle of notes held within.

"Two thousand?"

"As agreed," Chase confirmed. "Not a bad price for being rid of certain entanglements." He tossed Anna a glance.

"Not bad for a pleasurable evening of work, either," Justin agreed, and tossed the envelope onto the table beside the door. "It did take quite a bit of convincing though, just so you know she intended to remain faithful to you."

Anna was speechless. They had planned the whole charade. Anna didn't know which one she hated more. She was hurt, crushed, angry, and humiliated all at once. It was too much to bear. She closed the distance between Justin and herself in a heartbeat. She connected palm to cheek solidly, and caused Justin's smile to fade. Hatred descended on the room like a thick fog.

Justin frowned like a reprimanded child. "Thank you, Anna. I deserve it," he said. "I said you would not understand my business dealings when we were at Brighton. I also told you I had talents you had not yet discovered."

"Yes, you did. I was not aware that deceit and cruelty were among them. I thought I meant more to you. I was wrong." She glared at them both before she focused on Chase. "I should have known you would think of something like this. Just to save your reputation and give you cause against me. Well, sirs, I will sound it throughout all of Southampton that I carry Mr. Waring's child. Will this kind of scandal suit you both?" She turned to leave.

"You have no evidence the child is mine," Justin reminded her.

"It doesn’t matter, does it? All I have to do is share the secret with a few of the servants and all of society will know what was done in Brighton. There will always be suspicion. How many respectable clients will you have then, Mr. Waring?"

As Anna stepped out the door, her fingers found the chain about her neck, snapped it, and dropped the gold shell to the ground.

"Anna," Chase called. She did not stop for it was her intent the entire town would know what these two had plotted. "Anna, stop," he called again. Anna searched along the street with the hope that Shaw would be nearby.

"Mrs. Trent!" Justin's voice was commanding.

Gathering up her skirts, she ran down the steps.

"Stop her," Chase shouted. Before she could reach the street, strong hands closed around her arms. She struggled against Justin, tried to break free, and hoped someone would be on the street or passing by whom she could call on for assistance. She could see no one as Justin wrapped his arms around her and lifted her effortlessly.

"Put me down," she demanded. Anna struggled such as she could. She feared becoming trapped in Justin's house. Edward would be of no help.

When they reached the steps, Justin sat her on her feet. He took her arm firmly and led her upward. At the top, she jerked free and turned to run. She felt the gold shell roll beneath her shoe. She fell forward. Justin grabbed for her, but was unable to halt her from tumbling down the steps. Her head met the bottom step and she saw Chase come toward her as the world faded away.

* * * *

Anna opened her eyes to find herself in a dark room. She was propped up on several pillows and hemmed in by a thick comforter. The smell of cologne was strong on the linens.

"Colin?" Her first thought, her hope, was Colin had come for her.

"No, Anna. It's me." His voice sounded in the dark. A single candle lit. Justin sat in a chair beside the bed.

"Where am I?" She closed her eyes against the flicker of the candle as it made the shadows in the room engage in a dizzying dance.

"Chase thought it best to keep you here, not to move you just yet. Who is Colin?"

"The only true gentleman I know, it seems." She wished he were with her now. She had been changed into a nightshirt, obviously by the loose fit, one of Justin's.

"Am I no gentleman in your eyes, then?" Justin stated. "It was not only the money that sent me to you in Brighton. I asked you to go long before Chase made the offer to me."

The words came as harsh as Anna could make them sound. "I thought you cared for me. I didn't ask you to love me. But I thought you cared and it would have been enough." She turned away from him.

Waves of nausea came and went over the next few hours. At some point, a fire was lit in the grate to stay the chill of the night. Justin remained in the room. Although she had no desire to speak to him, Anna was glad to not be alone when she woke several times to the chimes of an unseen clock. He read by the fire, watched her, or gazed thoughtfully into the flames.

At last, Anna slept fitfully for hours but awoke in the early morning to severe pains in her abdomen and found herself covered in the evidence there would be no child. She cried out at the discovery, which woke Justin, asleep in the chair. He rushed to her after he turned up the lights.

"What is it?"

The concern on his face surprised her but fear was foremost on her mind. Unable to form words to explain, she pushed back the comforter. He gasped and rushed from the room, shouting for Edward to get a doctor. He quickly returned, sat on the bed, and pulled her ever so gently to lean against his chest. She welcomed the comfort, even from him, as pains continued to seize her body. He stroked her hair, and held her in silence until Edward returned with Dr. Mattison.

As Justin reluctantly left the room at the doctor's urging, she saw unshed tears in his eyes.

* * * *

Anna remained confined to Justin's house for a week before Dr. Mattison would allow her to return home. She spent the time in silent mourning for the lost child, and avoided Justin as he attempted to care for her in any way he could.

She was ever so pleased when she was allowed to return home. After her confinement, she wondered what Chase had told the servants as she was received at home with much concern. Michelle was particularly attentive. She fussed over her like a mother hen. After a few weeks, she ventured to ask Michelle.

"What did Mr. Trent tell you about my absence?" Anna asked as Michelle prepared her bed.

"He called us all together and told us you fell on the steps at Mr. Waring's house. He said you were severely injured."

"Is that all?"

"Well, not exactly." She lightly wrung her hands as she stepped back to allow Anna to sit on the bedside.

After she settled in, enjoying the feel of her own sheets, she asked, "What exactly did he say, then?"

"He told us the reason you have been so different since we returned from Brighton is because you saw a physician there and found out you would have—a baby. The baby was why you came back so happy."

"Really?" Anna was surprised.

"He gave me a very stern look when he said it."

"Yes, he would. He knows you could dispute his claim."

"He said when you met him at Mr. Waring's, you stumbled and fell down the front steps. He said you lost the baby." Michelle's eyes became watery.

"Thank you for your concern,” Anna reached out and squeezed her hand.

"Madam," she said, hesitantly. "You didn’t see a doctor in Brighton. I don't understand."

"Sit down." Anna patted the bedside. Michelle sat carefully, and gave Anna her full attention after dabbing at her eyes with the hem of her apron. "Michelle, I think you are due an explanation."

"Oh, you don't have to…" Michelle began.

"Yes, I do. You've been so loyal to me. You were a great help to me in Brighton and since we returned. I owe you this much. I did not see a doctor in Brighton but…I did conceive my baby there."

Michelle's eyes grew larger than Anna thought they could have as she realized what Anna confessed.

"Mr. Waring?"


After a few moments, Michelle stood very properly and addressed her.

"Madam, may I speak my mind?"

"Of course." Anna was not sure what she was about to hear.

"I think what you did in Brighton is of no concern to anyone else and I am happy for you. I think Mr. Waring is a very attractive and attentive person, and I must tell you he's been here several times to inquire about your health since you've come home. Mr. Trent would not allow anyone to tell you. As much heartache as you have from Mr. Trent, I am personally glad you found happiness, even with another man. I have no regrets about my evenings with Edward and you should have none about yours with Mr. Waring." She sat down, and waited for Anna's response.

"Thank you for understanding. I'll have you know, though, I do regret what I did. It was wrong of me, no matter what Mr. Trent does. Now," Anna hesitated to ask, "what's this about your evenings with Edward?" She raised a suspicious eyebrow.

Michelle stood and headed for the door. "I will be bringing your tea, madam." She smiled sheepishly, curtsied, and disappeared into the hall.

Anna leaned back into her pillows as she happily remembered once again one special night in Brighton.

* * * *

Several days later, Chase came to her room with an air of business. He spoke in a tone void of emotion and gave no opportunity for reply.

"I have decided after what has transpired on your holiday, I will be moving out of the house. I will not return until you have found some other place to reside. You may take Michelle with you or one of the other girls. I don't care which. I will be filing for divorce as soon as it is possible. After your conduct in Brighton, I can choose no other course."

He paced the room as he delivered his obviously well rehearsed speech. He stopped at the door on his way out and looked directly at his wife.

"I do regret you lost the child. After all, it could have been mine." He left the room and pulled the door silently closed behind him.

Anna sat quietly for some time, weighing the measures of happiness and sorrow his announcement delivered.

To Be Continued...


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Any unauthorized reproduction of this book, other than by written authorization or contract by and with the author, is a violation of Federal Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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© 2008 Jena Galifany/Marge Conrad

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