Monday, July 6, 2015

Her Perfect Man by Jena Galifany - Chapter 19

Titanic 1912

Anna sat in the sitting room and wondered if she had done the right thing. She decided to confide in Colin.

She went to her desk to write Colin an invitation to dinner. Chase was gone and now she could entertain any company she wished without anyone speaking ill of her. Most of their mutual acquaintances knew what transpired and did not fault Anna completely. She was still accepted in the society she always dreamed of being a part of. All was well. Her life became what she knew it would be.

There was a knock at the front door and Anna listened to see if it might be Colin. He knew Chase and Lydia sailed today. She listened to the muffled voices in the entry and waited. There was a man's voice but it was not Colin’s. Curious. The door closed followed by a tap at the sitting room door.


"Miss Anna." Mrs. Weathers entered with a package in her hand. She held it out as she crossed the room. She retreated, and closed the door behind her as Anna turned the package over to look at the writing.

It was from Colin. Anna pulled the contents from the package to discover a letter with a framed photograph of Colin. She set the image on the desk, and took the time to admire it. He looked most handsome, his dark eyes smiling, a lock of dark hair fallen across his forehead.

In an instant, she returned to the years of their youth and realized Colin was the perfect man she always wanted. She wished she had seen it so many years ago and they could have avoided so much pain and disappointment. But now they had the future. Anna couldn't wait to begin her future with him.

She unfolded the letter.

My dearest Miss Anna,

Well, you have finally realized your dreams. You have everything you have ever wanted. You have money, a home, loyal servants, and proper society, all you knew you would have. You have earned every bit of what you have now. I commend you for how you have handled your life. You were always the proper wife; well, most of the time. I feel you are justified in all you have done. I can’t fault you for what happened with Justin Waring. Chase was partially responsible. He is out of your life now. Both of them are.

You are a wonderful woman and I must now confess you are the woman I have always wanted. I told you on the day you met Chase. Do you remember? You thought I was making a joke but I was never more serious. I wanted you then and I want you now. When I saw you standing on a public street with another man kneeling before you, holding your hand, I was crushed. The pain of the sight haunted me for months.

Years later, I realized I was running from the only woman I would ever love and I had ruined any chance of winning your love when I married Elaine. I was relieved when she left me. It was worth everything she took to be free of her. It was then I found out you were to be married. I came to the garden on your wedding day to persuade you to run away with me. How childish, don't you think?

I spend a considerable amount of time making friends with Chase so if I could not convince you to come away with me, I could be legitimately close to you. When I saw how happy you were, I could not ask you to leave. Besides, what did I have to offer but myself? And myself alone was not enough.

My moral conscience made me suffer in telling you to stay with Chase, even when he was gone so often with Lydia. I knew where he was. I could not bring myself to tell you as it would have brought you pain. I ask you to forgive me for it.

Once I realized what Chase was doing, I knew your marriage would not last and I had only to wait. You would be free of him eventually and I would be there to pick up the pieces. And so, I waited.

By the time you receive this letter, Chase will have sailed. There is nothing to stand between us now and I pray you will give consent to be my wife

Why would he send a letter to ask her to marry him? Shouldn't he come in person with such an important question? Anna was a little confused by this method of proposal, but thrilled it had come. Of course she would marry him. It was what she should have done so many years ago. She read on.

I will give you ample time to think on this and must now ask for you to wait for me. I will be away for a short time, approximately two months. I have the opportunity to make my dream of travel a reality. It is second class, not exactly what I wanted, but to spend five or six days aboard ship and to see New York for some four weeks before my return voyage will be enough to satisfy..

No, he could not have gone.

Anna was frantic as she rushed to the door.


Her heart climbed painfully into her throat, and choked her scream. He couldn't have sailed today. Not to America. There was only one ship going there today.

* * * *
Colin couldn't sleep. He walked the deck in the early morning, and took the time to watch the pale green line on the horizon as he leaned on the rail. The air felt cold on his face as the ship moved through the water at a good clip. His hair fell across his forehead and he brushed it away. Just like she continually did.

Anna. He couldn't get her out of his thoughts. He wondered if he had done the right thing. If he took this once in a lifetime, never to be repeated opportunity, did he run the risk of losing her again? What if some dandy came along and stole her heart before he returned? Two months was a long time. He felt the shift in the engines as they neared the Emerald Isle. Too large to dock, a launch would be sent to this port, their last stop before they headed out across the Atlantic. This was his last chance.

Colin shook his head and laughed out loud. So close but one dream was more important than the other. This dream could be better realized with Anna at his side as his wife. It wouldn't be the historical maiden voyage but there would be other new and better means of travel they could experience during their lifetime together. This could wait.

He briskly retraced his steps to his cabin, and packed his things as quickly as he could. He headed to the launch to be dropped off with the other passengers who disembarked at Queenstown. As they neared the shore, he could see the immigrants that waited to head out for a new and better life. He compared his feelings of excitement to theirs. As he stepped onto the dock, he turned back to wonder at the size of the mammoth vessel that awaited them. Like them, he was sure he was about to embark on a new and better life as well.

This book may not be reproduced in whole, or in part, by any means, without the expressed written consent of the author.

Any unauthorized reproduction of this book, other than by written authorization or contract by and with the author, is a violation of Federal Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Any trademarks referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders.

© 2008 Jena Galifany/Marge Conrad

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Her Perfect Man by Jena Galifany - Chapter 18


Several days later, Mrs. Weathers interrupted Anna as she read in the parlor.

"Madam, there is a man here to see you. He says he is sent from Mr. Trent." She seemed to be apologetic for allowing the man into the house.

"Well, let’s see what he wants, shall we." Anna closed her book and set it on the table as a tall, thin gentleman was ushered into the room. She stood in greeting, and held out her hand.

He regarded her hand for a moment before he reached into the valise he held tucked under one arm. With a stone face, he retrieved a packet of papers and handed them to her. He was definitely all business.

"Mrs. Anna Scott Trent, you are to consider yourself properly served with the legal documents for dissolution of your marriage to Mr. Chase Trent. Please look the papers over and sign them. Notify my office and I will send a courier to pick them up." He handed Anna a card. "Thank you, madam." He left.

Mrs. Weathers, who stood at the door, gasped and watched with disbelief as the man found his own way out.

"Well, that was simple enough, now, wasn't it," Anna noted, and looked at the papers in her hand. Mrs. Weathers covered her mouth with her apron and disappeared toward the kitchen. It wouldn't take long before the whole of society knew. Anna went to the desk and scribbled a quick note to Colin to meet her at the café.

Strangely enough, she felt no emotion. It did not hurt; nor did it thrill. She felt only an emptiness she could not explain. How could it be over so soon, so easily? Was there not supposed to be some tears, some measurable amount of mourning – something? Or were her emotions so seared she could not be affected by his rejection? Whatever it was, Anna dispatched Shaw to deliver the note to Colin, and sat down on the sofa to scan the papers.

* * * *

A thousand voices cried out as one; thunder rolled across black water. Shivers, of cold or of fear, she knew not which, raced through her as the Union Jack disappeared into the inky black. There were muffled sobs and whispered prayers all around. Silence.

Anna awoke with a start, and sat up, frantic. She leapt from the bed, raced to the window, and threw back the heavy curtains to let in the early morning light. Her heart took its ease from the vigorous dance it had engaged in against her ribs as she looked out onto the rainy day. Even the dimness of the overcast sky was a comfort.

She wrapped her arms around her body, curled up in a chair, and watched the rain patter on the windowpanes. The sound was soothing and if it were not for the chill in the room, she might have gone back to sleep where she was. Before she could, the reality of her situation flooded her mind. Divorce. Freedom. What of the house? Would she be forced to give it up? She was uncertain of what she would have to do in the coming weeks and months. Surely, she would get some sort of award to live on.

Southampton in the winter could be so dreary. It only served to mirror Anna's feelings. Today, it would all be over.

* * * *

She had her nerve being here. Hanging on his arm. When Chase accused Anna of infidelity? She could see that the magistrate wondered about the woman as well. Anna felt relieved when it was over. She left the building, intent on reaching the coach where Shaw waited without having to speak to anyone. With only steps to go, Chase called out.

"Anna, I need to speak with you," he called, his voice overly cheerful. The last thing she wanted was to hear him gloat. She turned to watch his approach.

"Was there something else?" Anna tried to keep her voice steady. She did not want the turmoil inside of her to bubble to the surface until she was home in the privacy of her own room. He stopped halfway across the courtyard, whispered to Lydia and sent her on to his carriage. Anna was slightly pleased he hadn't brought her face to face with the woman.

"After much communication with my father, we have decided to close the firm here. I will be returning to the States. Lydia will be going with me. My mother is planning a wedding for us to be held shortly after we arrive. My agent will be selling the estate and you will need to move very soon. I wanted you to know ahead of time."

"Kind of you." Anna had no idea where she would go. "Chase, could you give me some time before you list the house? I don't want to rush into any decisions about where to live."

"All right." He glanced toward Lydia who watched from what used to be Anna's place in the carriage. "It will take us some time to close down or sell out the firm. How would three months be?"

"That would be more than kind. Thank you." Anna turned from him as Shaw opened the door. Chase pushed in front of Shaw, and took her hand to help her in.

"Thank you, again," she said, her eyes cast down so she would not see his face.

"Take care of yourself, Anna." He closed the door.

As she watched him walk away, she replied, "I always have."

* * * *

"May I help you?" the young man offered as Anna looked around the office.

"Yes, I would like to purchase passage for two, first class, on your most elegant vessel."

"Yes, madam. She is selling out very quickly, but I think you are in luck. I believe that I can arrange for two in second class. First class has been filled for weeks. Would second be acceptable?"

Anna thought for several heartbeats, her eyes closed. "Yes, I think second class would be perfect. It is a wedding gift for someone special. 'Til death do us part.

"I can't think of a better gift than to be a part of this voyage. Will the happy couple be honeymooning in New York?" He made small talk as he wrote out the paperwork.

"Actually, they plan to marry in New York. I thought I would help them on their way."

"Very thoughtful, indeed." The clerk nodded to her in admiration.

"I have put a lot of thought into this voyage. I think it will suit them perfectly. Mr. Trent always did want the best," Anna commented, with a knowing wink.

It took only a few minutes to process the information. Anna left the White Star Line office with the most appropriate gift she could think of for Chase. She knew he would be pleased—at last.

* * * *

"Thank you again for this voyage. You have truly surprised me after all I've done. Outstanding. I have something for you." Chase held out an envelope as he waited to board.

"It was the only way I could truly express my feelings for you, Chase." Her eyes drifted to Lydia who stood on the far side of Chase with a snobbish countenance on her face. Anna grinned at her and turned to Chase. "What is in the envelope?" Anna tried hard to be cordial. The press of the crowd was frightful and loud.

"Something I think you'll like. I feel I owe it to you." He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You owe me nothing." Anna wanted their last words to at least be kind.

His brown eyes were suddenly moist as he lowered his voice, his eyes darting to the new woman in his life. "I never stopped loving you, Anna."

"But it wasn't enough, was it?" Anna looked up at the four black stacks looming high above the crowd.

The huge funnel tumbled to the water with a tremendous crash, and just missed the lifeboat.

Anna blinked as she smiled at Chase.

"Take care of yourself." Chase squeezed her hand and walked briskly up the gangway with Lydia. They disappeared, one of the last to board before the gangway was removed. After a few minutes, they pushed their way to the railing and waved. Anna thought about how terribly happy they looked together. Anna watched with dread and anticipation as the tugboats bullied the great liner along. She could no longer see Chase and Lydia as the ship was maneuvered from the dock.

Shaw stood beside her in the crush of people who came to witness this momentous occasion, to see the mammoth ship on her way.

"Madam," he shouted to be heard above the cheering. "Shall we go now?"

"Not yet."

Anna gasped as the large ship passed too close to a smaller liner. The displacement pulled the smaller ship from the dock, its ropes strained until it nearly collided with the great liner. The tugs scampered about the ships like puppies, but with a greater purpose. Finally, the grandest ocean liner afloat was on her way.

Colin lay on a field of rippling blue-black. Stars twinkled overhead. He held out his hands toward Anna, unable to reach her.

Anna blinked away the vision, momentarily immersed in confusion. She watched the ship until she could no longer see the large white letters on the stern of the White Star Steamer, R.M.S. Titanic. Shaw stood silently by as the crowd thinned, until they were the only two people left.

"Do you miss him, madam?" he asked, quietly.

"No." Anna turned to him, surprised at his question. "I don't miss him at all. I want him to be happy for the rest of his life." However long it may be.

"That is a very nice sentiment after everything he put you through, madam." Shaw said, admiringly.

"Well, it was just not meant to be. Shaw?"

"Yes, madam?"

"Call me Miss Anna. I never did like 'madam'. I'm not that old." She smiled.

"Yes, ma—uh, Miss Anna."

"Much better."

Anna turned the envelope over in her hands as they returned to the carriage. Nothing was written on the outside. Shaw opened the carriage door, and helped her in. As they made their way through the streets of Southampton, Anna opened the envelope. Unfolding several sheets of paper, she began to read.


Because we are leaving, I have decided the estate and all furniture and fixtures there should be left to you. I hope you will be happy and will find your perfect man, the one you used to think I was. Enclosed please find the deed to the estate and my solicitors' card if you have any questions.

You will also find a passbook to a bank account set aside for your comfort. It contains 5,000 pounds to be used as you wish, no strings attached. You might want to look into investing it so you should not want for anything as long as you live.

Best of luck to you,

Chase Trent

Imagine that.

To Be Continued...


This book may not be reproduced in whole, or in part, by any means, without the expressed written consent of the author.

Any unauthorized reproduction of this book, other than by written authorization or contract by and with the author, is a violation of Federal Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Any trademarks referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders.

© 2008 Jena Galifany/Marge Conrad

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Her Perfect Man by Jena Galifany - Chapter 17


Colin and Anna went out to dinner. It was Colin's idea. They usually didn’t go out in public together except when they met at the café now and then. Those at the café knew them. When Colin suggested he collect her in his trap, she was surprised. They usually met at the café.

"We’re not going to the café tonight," he explained as they turned onto a dark road that led out of town. In a few minutes, they could see the light of a small inn in the distance. It was here they shared a simple meal. It was simple, yet romantic. There was a table in a dark corner. The violinist was gifted and spent some time at their table. It was wonderful.

The drippy candles' dim light and the song of the violin created the perfect atmosphere to be with Colin. He was her gypsy with dark eyes and thick, wavy hair, not to mention his wild ways. He was not her brother on this night. He was often seen at her estate but he had only two servants, and it would start rumors if they didn't have proper chaperones. So they found themselves enjoying the warm fire and the closeness of each other in the privacy of Anna's parlor. Colin and Anna sat together on the sofa. Chase had been gone for more than two months. He informed Anna he would not come back until she left, which she had no intention of doing.

As she shared this information with Colin, they drew closer. The fire crackled in the grate, the room was warm, and his company was very welcome. They had known each other for so many years; it would be hard for her to think of not having him near at hand.

They understood each other. She wanted to enjoy his company in the same manner as before they had both made so many mistakes. Now they could talk for hours in the warmth of her home or the café instead of in the chilly night air near the Channel. Although in the night air, he would have folded her into his coat where she could be physically close to him. Anna didn't know what was on his mind, but she knew exactly what was on hers. She only had to find the right way to induce her plans.

Michelle placed the service on the table before she retreated from the room, and closed the door. Anna poured as she spoke. "That was a wonderful place. How did you find it?"

Colin removed his jacket, and tossed it on the chair. He moved closer as she served him. "Believe it or not, that is where Elaine and I used to go. We kept a room upstairs. It was her idea."

Anna raised an eyebrow, and gave him a sideways glance. "Her idea?"

He smirked. "Well, you know."

"Yes." Anna returned the carafe to the tray. "Yes, I know. You really are a gypsy, aren't you?"

"I've wondered for years. Why do you say that?" He set his cup on the table. As he did, his hair fell across his forehead. Anna moved closer to push it back from his face.

He caught her hand and placed a kiss on her wrist. He pulled her hand to his chest where she could feel his heart beat. The longing in his eyes revealed his thoughts. So many years before, she had felt his heart beat as it did now.

"The way you act is what I'm talking about and your wild ways. You should not take such liberties." Anna tried to pull her hand gently from his grasp. He held it firmly.

"Liberties such as this?" he whispered. In an instant, he reeled her forward until his mouth met hers. Tenderly. Lovingly. Anna willingly surrendered to him. When he released her, she sat lightheaded, and her whole being thrummed with excitement.

"Yes," she finally found her voice, "exactly what I mean." It was unbearably hot beneath the high collar of her gown. She tried to move away from him to allow her heart to calm before anything more happened but he reached for her again. She couldn't fight him and didn't want to. Anna had waited a very long time for this opportunity.

Her mind leapt between Chase and the man who now held her. Chase left months ago. He promised divorce. Anna had nothing to lose. It was pure desire, not revenge which made her want Colin to take her now. If only Chase could see me as I see him. It would tear his heart out. She swept Chase from her mind as Colin pulled her closer.

He took the combs from her hair to let her fiery tresses fall free. "That's better," he whispered, and tossed the combs on the table. "I've dreamt of seeing your hair tumbling around your bare shoulders since we were sixteen. Would you like to know what else I’ve dreamt of?"

She gave a slow nod, and parted her lips to facilitate breathing. His eyes drew her attention from what his hands were doing. He stroked her hair several times before he proceeded to unfasten the buttons down her back. One by one, until the collar fell loose to her shoulders. His face buried in her hair, her fingers opened the buttons of his vest and shirt. She could feel his warm breath on her neck, the fiery heat from his body on her hands. He wrapped an arm around her and lifted her as they reclined on the sofa in one fluid motion. Closing her eyes, Anna offered no resistance as her fingers worked through his hair; his mouth explored her neck, his body pressed to hers.

Passion drowned out what happened around her until the sound was very close. There came a commotion from the entry hall. When she opened her eyes, she saw shadows beneath the door. Michelle's voice sounded frantic and insistent.

By the time Anna recovered her senses, the door flung open and Chase stared at her lying on her back with Colin over her. Colin stood and stepped in front of her to block Chase's view. Anna stood. Her hand clutched the bodice of her gown as Chase entered the room.

Chase only stared, his jaw muscles working. Anna proudly threw back her shoulders. She could not stop an evil smile that crept across her lips. She had displeased him again, and reveled in the thought.

Pulling her hair around one shoulder, she fastened the top button of her bodice to keep it from falling. "Chase, what do you want? What are you doing here?"

"It looks like I'm interrupting." There was a mixture of hurt and anger on his face as his eyes darted from Anna to Colin and back before he crossed the room to the writing table. He pulled drawers open and slammed them closed as he searched through the table for who knew what.

"Is there something I can find for you?" Anna offered.

"Do you want me to wait in the hall?" Colin moved toward the door.

"If you care to, darling," she answered.

"Yes, coward," Chase turned from the table. "Slip out to the safety of the hall."

Colin narrowed his eyes at the remark. He pushed his hair roughly from his face as he took a step. Anna blocked his advance toward Chase.

"Colin, no." She pressed her palms to his chest. "This is not your fight."

Chase folded his arms across his chest. "You are a thief —a wife stealer." He pushed for a fight.

"I have stolen nothing. I have only claimed what you have abandoned." Colin answered, and tried to step forward again. Anna held him back as Chase came toward him. Anna couldn't stop Colin so she turned to push against Chase. He grasped her by the shoulders and threw her against the wall. She hit the bookcase, dislodging several volumes from their shelves. The impact stunned her. She couldn't believe he had done it. As she tried to get up, Colin moved to help her. As he knelt, Chase gave a warning.

"Don't touch her. Don't even try."

Chase stepped toward Colin. Anna got to her feet as fast as she could, and slipped around Chase to try to stop him. Colin held his ground and Anna tried to hold Chase back. He grabbed her shoulders again, this time driving her backward past Colin to the chair by the door. He rammed her into the chair, pinned her by the shoulders, and hit her head against the wall.

He screamed in her face. "What are you doing, Anna? Don't you know that I love you?"

Love? Is this the way to show love? It made no sense at all, but her head buzzed. She pushed him away and ran. Anna fell on the sofa as she tried to get away from Chase. He clutched at her, and tried to pull her to her feet as he continued to profess his love for her.

Anna struck him several times. "You don't love me. You love to hurt me," Anna told him when her head began to clear. "Go away, Chase. Just go away." She jerked away from his grasp, and turned away.

"Fine," he said, "I'm going." He walked silently out the door of the parlor.

Anna dashed to the door, and slammed it after him, locking it. He banged on the door. Next thing she knew, he kicked the door in, splintering the frame and sending the door slamming into the wall behind it.

"Don't try to keep me out. You can't. I’ll come in any time I want!" His eyes were glazed.

Anna narrowed her eyes. She found it difficult to talk through clenched teeth.
"What do you want?" she hissed.

"I came to take you out, spend time with you. I see you don't need my company."

"Not any more than I need your lies, Chase. You made your choice. Go back to her. Spend time with her, unless you're afraid to be seen in public with her." Anna's chest burned as she faced him. The backs of her legs ached where they had struck the chair.

Anna swept the scene beyond the parlor door. Poor Michelle cringed in the corner behind the open front door. Mrs. Weathers was halfway up the stairs, her face partly hidden in her apron. Shaw stood on the porch, his hat in his hand, a menacing frown on his face. Anna faced him. "So, Chase, what are you going to do now?"

A flicker of pain appeared in his eyes. He scanned the witnesses to his behavior and stormed out of the house. Anna waited beside Shaw until he drove away. Shaw closed the front door as Anna turned to Michelle.

"Go to bed, dear. I’ll not be needing you this evening." Michelle nodded, but trembled, scared to move. Anna put an arm around her shoulders and walked her to the stairs. "Mrs. Weathers, get her some hot tea and put her to bed."

When the elder woman took Michelle by the shoulders and led her to the kitchen, Anna returned to Colin. He picked up the books, and replaced them on the shelf. She saw pity in his eyes when he faced her. She closed the parlor door as best she could, considering its shattered condition. She leaned against it, taking a moment to steady her emotions. After replacing the books, Colin came to her. He led her to the sofa, sat her down, and took a place beside her.

"You were wonderful," he spoke softly. "Don't you have enough sense to know you can’t fight a man twice your weight?" He brushed her hair from her face.

Anna winced when he stroked the back of her head. He kissed her forehead.

"Like I said, it’s my fight, not yours. I'm not going to let him hurt you or anyone else on my account." She stretched her legs, and rubbed the back of both calves. There were knots in the muscles.

Colin noticed, knelt down, and reached beneath the hem of her gown to massage her legs. The warmth of his hands was comforting. "Is there anything I can get for you? Anything I can do for you?"

"Yes," Anna breathed the word as the tension fled. "Take me home with you."

His eyes grew wide. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Take me out of this house—if only for tonight. " She bit her quivering lip.

"Yes, ma'am." He buttoned his shirt and pulled on his jacket. He helped her to her feet and put his arm around her waist to help her to the door. It partially fell from its hinges as he opened it. They crossed the hall as Mrs. Weathers returned from the kitchen.

"Mrs. Weathers," Anna leaned against Colin. "I have to leave this house. I will be back tomorrow. I can't stay here tonight. Do you understand?" She felt she was pleading the housekeeper's permission.

"Madam, you have every right to leave. Go and rest, I'll tell the others you needed medical attention and Mr. Marsec took you to his physician." She retrieved Anna's cloak and Colin's overcoat as she spoke. She hurried them out the door to Colin's trap. Anna leaned her head on Colin's shoulder as they drove away.

Anna could not feel secure in her own house. Chase might return in the middle of the night. He was a wounded animal and wounded animals attack. She feared him and what he might do now. He had seen her with Colin and he was furious. Had she not just thought about Chase seeing her with Colin? Wished for it?

* * * *

She spent an uneasy night in Elaine's abandoned room, in a sleeping gown that Colin's ex-wife had left behind. After Anna changed and slipped beneath the comforter, Colin knocked on the door. At her call, he entered the room, and closed the door securely behind him. He had removed his coat and vest. The neck of his shirt hung open to reveal a dark mat of hair. He looked quite tempting.

"I hope you'll be all right in here." He sat gently on the side of the bed.

"I would be more comfortable in your room," Anna stated boldly. He raised his brows. "Only to be near you," she added before he had a chance to speak.

"Only to be near me." Colin stroked her face. "Do you think I could keep my hands off of you if you were in my bed?" He searched her face, but avoided her eyes.

"Do you think I want you to keep your hands off of me?" Anna took his hand, and kissed his palm. "I thought things were going rather well before he showed up."

"Yes, they were," he grinned. "He has once again spoiled my plans."

"Why?" She released his hand as he sat back.

"Do you want me, or do you want revenge?" It was a fair question.

"I want you, Colin. I wanted you before Chase showed up, from the moment I felt your heart beat." Anna knew what he felt and she couldn't blame him for asking.

"When I make love with you, I want it to be just the two of us; no one else on your mind. Do you understand what I mean?" He caressed her face once more, and trailed his touch down her neck as far as the gown would permit.

"I understand." She closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation. "I would have made love with you tonight. It was on my mind before dinner."

He smiled, and tilted his head. "You would have?"

"Yes," she said, emphatically. "In a heartbeat."

"I thought I was seducing you." He leaned down for a deep kiss that fanned the flames Anna felt engulf her entire being. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him closer. She wanted to feel his body against hers. He gently pulled her arms away to reluctantly end the kiss. "You need to rest."

"I don't want to rest," Anna protested. He grinned.

"If I stay here much longer, neither of us will get any sleep."

"That's all right." She grinned in return.

He threw back the comforter that separated them. In full surrender, he stretched out beside her and wrapped her in his arms. The barrier of material between them did not stop her feeling the heat that radiated from his body. Their lips met once more with no intention of parting any time soon. Desire, years of wanting, drove them as their bodies entwined.

Anna wanted to claw the clothing from his body, to feel his skin touch hers. She gasped as he firmly bit down on her neck just below her ear. He gave a sharp jerk that sent shivers racing through her. She was amazed how this simple act made her feel so vulnerable. She buried her fingers in his thick hair, and held tight.

He made a trail of fire down her neck with the tip of his tongue. His path moved from her collarbone, halted at the edge of the gown as he closed his teeth on the ribbon that held the bodice closed. He pulled slowly; the ribbon slid.

A knock sounded across the hall at Colin's bedroom door. Colin and Anna froze.

"Sir, your brandy," Ryan's voice called out.

Colin dropped his head onto Anna's chest as a deep moan of annoyance escaped his lips. She caressed his shoulders when she felt his silent laugh.

Colin grimaced as he looked up at her. "I asked him to bring me a brandy," he whispered. It was all Anna could do to keep from laughing. Colin just smirked in resignation. "What are we to do now? He'll know where I am."

"I'm sure he holds many of your secrets. Give him a raise in salary," Anna offhandedly suggested.

"You're very amusing, Miss Anna." He pushed himself to his feet. He went to the door, straightening his clothing and raking his fingers through his hair as he went. When he felt he was presentable, he tugged the door open and turned to face her. "I am glad you are comfortable, Mrs. Trent. Sleep well," he said in a strong voice. He winked as she narrowed her eyes at him in disappointment. He pulled the door closed, and left Anna alone and extremely frustrated.

* * * *

Anna could see that Chase spent a sleepless night as well. He vented his anger on a poor hired harlot. He was drunk and abusive. It was no wonder he did not return to his mistress. She tended to fight back when he was this way. Anna thought of other things to block out the visions in her mind. She hated to witness his evils.

The next morning, after she’d washed and dressed, Anna made her way down to the dining room. She was informed Colin left early to attend to business and Shaw had been sent for. Colin would be engaged most of the day so there was no reason for her to remain at his home. Shaw came to collect her. The repairs were already being made on the parlor door when she arrived.

Mrs. Weathers informed her Mr. Trent had not returned though she already knew that fact.

To Be Continued...


This book may not be reproduced in whole, or in part, by any means, without the expressed written consent of the author.

Any unauthorized reproduction of this book, other than by written authorization or contract by and with the author, is a violation of Federal Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Any trademarks referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders.

© 2008 Jena Galifany/Marge Conrad

Friday, July 3, 2015

Her Perfect Man by Jena Galifany - Chapter 16


With the back of his hand, Chase swept the collection of glass figurines from across the mantle, and shattered them against the wall. "You somehow planned to meet him there, didn't you?" Chase shouted. "Have you been seeing him these past two months as well?"

"No." Anna sat rigid, fearful of his anger. He was a madman completely out of control. "How could I have planned it? You sent me, remember?" He paced around the room as she sat on the parlor sofa, watched him, and waited for him to descend upon her like a hawk making a kill.

"What if you have a child by him? Did you think of that? How would it make me look?"

"Yes." Anna's anger rose to replace her fear as she thought of his extramarital activities and how he made her look. "Of course, I thought of it. If I have his child, then so be it." Her voice escalated before she could control it. "It’s more than you have been able to give me." The comment rolled off of her tongue before she could stop it, knowing the possibility existed.

Chase glared at her. "I would claim the child and no one would need to know." Anna burned with anger. Just so no one would know his wife did no less than he had done for several years. Just so he would not be humiliated the way he had humiliated her. Just to keep his social standing preserved and untarnished by scandal, he would favor Anna by claiming Justin's child for his own. No.

"It would be a bit difficult for you to claim a child when its name would be Waring, don't you think? If it were a boy with your name, you would allow Justin's son to be your heir as first born?" She spoke quietly as she looked at him through narrowed, defiant eyes. She smiled inwardly at the look of sheer madness in his wide eyes as he bared his teeth, and a throaty roar escaped his lips. He turned to look out of the front window. He was silent for a long time as Anna reveled in the knowledge that she left him speechless.

Without a word, Anna stood and walked toward the door with the intent to go to her room. It would probably be safer to get away from him for a while. As she reached the door, she heard the shatter of glass. Startled, she turned. Chase had both of his fists pushed through two panes of the window. Speckles of blood formed on his knuckles as he drew his hands inside. He looked at them, and then turned to Anna. He actually looked hurt; from her actions, her words, not the physical damage he inflicted upon himself. For a moment, compassion tried to rise in her, but she quickly forced it down and walked away to leave him with his thoughts, whatever they may have been.

* * * *

As Anna watched from her bedroom window, Chase, his hands wrapped, drove away. She wondered where he was going in such a hurry. She wondered what he would do now that he knew. It did not take long for the thought to occur to her he may be on his way to see Justin.

Justin would be in danger of his wrath and, not knowing, Anna could see Justin smiling and meeting Chase as casually as always. Chase would have the advantage of surprise and poor Justin would be the hapless victim. Is this what Justin meant by acceptable risks? Did he really think someone like Anna was worth this? The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced she had to take a chance and warn Justin. She grabbed a shawl, her bag, and rushed down the stairs calling for Mrs. Weathers.

"I must have Shaw bring the carriage. Hurry." Anna paced in the entry hall. It seemed to take forever before Shaw appeared at the door. She hurried into the carriage. "You must get me to Mr. Waring's house immediately. Quick as you can. But if Mr. Trent is there, turn away before we are seen. Do you understand?"

"Yes, madam," he replied, and briskly climbed up.

Shaw raced through town. He maneuvered expertly through the narrow streets until they reached Justin's street. Shaw brought the carriage to a halt. He pulled his hat from his head as he appeared in the window.

"Madam, it appears Mr. Trent is not here. Do you still want to see Mr. Waring?"

"Yes. Could you drop me off and take the..."

"Take a drive to avoid suspicion." He finished the sentence.

"You are very perceptive, Shaw. Thank you."

"A pleasure to be of service to you, madam." He slapped his cap on his head. He pulled up before the house and jumped down long enough to see Anna safely to the door. She watched him pull away as she turned to ring the bell.

Time seemed to pass so slowly as she waited for an answer. Edward opened the door, surprised.

"Edward, how are you?" Anna said lightly. Before he could answer, she brushed past him, not wanting to be seen outside.

"Very well, Mrs. Trent, thank you," he replied as he closed the door.

"Is Mr. Waring home? I must speak with him." She tried to keep the urgency out of her voice.

"Please, wait in here," Edward led her to the parlor. He directed her to the sofa and closed the doors, leaving her alone with her panicked thoughts. She sat down, and realized how her heart raced. She was thankful Chase was not here. She didn't know what she could have done had he been.

It became increasingly difficult to sit calmly while she waited. She toyed with the gold shell at her throat. At last, the door opened and Justin strolled into the room, closing the door behind him. Anna flew to him, her hands pressed to his chest as he grasped her shoulders.

"Justin, he knows," Anna said, hysterically.

"Who knows what?" Justin smiled down at her. His eyes glimmered as ever as he led her to the sofa, sat beside her, and took her hands.

"Chase." Anna explained. "We had a fight. He accused me of being unfaithful. I don't know what I was thinking. I wanted to hurt him so I told him. He’s like a crazy person. He left and I was afraid he was coming here. I had to warn you."

Tears escaped as she poured out her concerns to him.

"Now, Anna, don't worry about it. Didn't I assure you I would take care of everything?" He brushed a stray wisp of hair from her face. Anna found it hard to believe he was so totally unconcerned.

"But how can you take care of this?" she asked. Her world was crumbling. She regretted her bold attitude with Chase. She regretted her desire for Justin. She certainly regretted the week she spent in Brighton. Justin acted as if it were all just a casual situation.

"You must calm yourself, Anna. This is not good for you." He placed his hand on her abdomen. A wave of dread washed over her.

"Yes, he thought of that, too." Anna pushed his hand away. "He said he would claim any child so no one would know."

"Really? As if I would let him." Justin grinned. He was enjoying this. "I take pride in my work."

The remark struck her. It added anger to frustration. "I came here to warn you and to seek your help. Am I only work to you?" Anna felt confused and hurt. She should have gone to Colin. He would have at least had some compassion.

Before Justin could answer, they heard a horse. Anna ran to the window to see Chase leap from the trap and walk briskly up the steps to the door. As the bell rang, she turned to face Justin.

"It's Chase."

"Well, well, this should be interesting. I thought it would be a dull afternoon." He strolled to the door. Anna caught him before he could open it.

"You have to hide me. He can't find me here." She was frantic. "You can deny everything. I will tell him I lied to make him angry. He doesn't have to know—"

"Anna." Justin grasped her firmly by the shoulders. "You have got to calm yourself." He smiled. "Stay here." He gently squeezed her shoulder. He left the room and closed the door behind him. Anna pressed against the door to listen.

"Mr. Trent, how are you, sir?"

"Mr. Waring." Chase's voice was strong and commanding. Anna tensed at the long silence before either man spoke again. "I have been well, Justin. Business has picked up in the last month or two. Some business is still unfinished between us, though. How was your trip to Brighton?"

"It went very well. Although it took a bit longer than expected to achieve my objective."

Chase laughed lightly. "But your business was completed successfully, am I right? I had no need to ask until now. But the situation is coming to its conclusion."

"Yes. Yes, sir. A very satisfying success it was."

Both men laughed. Anna wondered what Chase was thinking.

"Mr. Trent, what have you done to your hands? Have you taken up boxing?"

"No. I managed some remodeling on my front windows. She can be so defiant when she wants to be."

"Can she, now?"

"Oh, yes. Do you know she told me your son would be my heir?"

Anna stopped breathing as the reality of the situation washed over her. It took a few moments to force air into her lungs again.

"Really? It remains to be seen if there will be any dividends from this venture." They laughed together a second time.

"Oh, there is a return. She's been ill every morning for months. But who sired it, we don't know, do we? Except I have been unsuccessful for years so it must have been you. I had scarlet fever when I was young and they told my mother it would take a miracle for me to become a father."

"How terrible for you."

"It has its advantages."

Anna could stand no more. Rage made her jerk the door open to see the two of them merry as could be at her expense.

"I wondered how long it would take for you to join us," Justin said. "I'll be with you in a moment, darling. You can wait in the sitting room if you like." He turned to Chase. "Now, all that remains…"

"Yes," Chase said in sudden remembrance. He patted his pockets. He pulled an envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it to Justin. Justin flipped through the thick bundle of notes held within.

"Two thousand?"

"As agreed," Chase confirmed. "Not a bad price for being rid of certain entanglements." He tossed Anna a glance.

"Not bad for a pleasurable evening of work, either," Justin agreed, and tossed the envelope onto the table beside the door. "It did take quite a bit of convincing though, just so you know she intended to remain faithful to you."

Anna was speechless. They had planned the whole charade. Anna didn't know which one she hated more. She was hurt, crushed, angry, and humiliated all at once. It was too much to bear. She closed the distance between Justin and herself in a heartbeat. She connected palm to cheek solidly, and caused Justin's smile to fade. Hatred descended on the room like a thick fog.

Justin frowned like a reprimanded child. "Thank you, Anna. I deserve it," he said. "I said you would not understand my business dealings when we were at Brighton. I also told you I had talents you had not yet discovered."

"Yes, you did. I was not aware that deceit and cruelty were among them. I thought I meant more to you. I was wrong." She glared at them both before she focused on Chase. "I should have known you would think of something like this. Just to save your reputation and give you cause against me. Well, sirs, I will sound it throughout all of Southampton that I carry Mr. Waring's child. Will this kind of scandal suit you both?" She turned to leave.

"You have no evidence the child is mine," Justin reminded her.

"It doesn’t matter, does it? All I have to do is share the secret with a few of the servants and all of society will know what was done in Brighton. There will always be suspicion. How many respectable clients will you have then, Mr. Waring?"

As Anna stepped out the door, her fingers found the chain about her neck, snapped it, and dropped the gold shell to the ground.

"Anna," Chase called. She did not stop for it was her intent the entire town would know what these two had plotted. "Anna, stop," he called again. Anna searched along the street with the hope that Shaw would be nearby.

"Mrs. Trent!" Justin's voice was commanding.

Gathering up her skirts, she ran down the steps.

"Stop her," Chase shouted. Before she could reach the street, strong hands closed around her arms. She struggled against Justin, tried to break free, and hoped someone would be on the street or passing by whom she could call on for assistance. She could see no one as Justin wrapped his arms around her and lifted her effortlessly.

"Put me down," she demanded. Anna struggled such as she could. She feared becoming trapped in Justin's house. Edward would be of no help.

When they reached the steps, Justin sat her on her feet. He took her arm firmly and led her upward. At the top, she jerked free and turned to run. She felt the gold shell roll beneath her shoe. She fell forward. Justin grabbed for her, but was unable to halt her from tumbling down the steps. Her head met the bottom step and she saw Chase come toward her as the world faded away.

* * * *

Anna opened her eyes to find herself in a dark room. She was propped up on several pillows and hemmed in by a thick comforter. The smell of cologne was strong on the linens.

"Colin?" Her first thought, her hope, was Colin had come for her.

"No, Anna. It's me." His voice sounded in the dark. A single candle lit. Justin sat in a chair beside the bed.

"Where am I?" She closed her eyes against the flicker of the candle as it made the shadows in the room engage in a dizzying dance.

"Chase thought it best to keep you here, not to move you just yet. Who is Colin?"

"The only true gentleman I know, it seems." She wished he were with her now. She had been changed into a nightshirt, obviously by the loose fit, one of Justin's.

"Am I no gentleman in your eyes, then?" Justin stated. "It was not only the money that sent me to you in Brighton. I asked you to go long before Chase made the offer to me."

The words came as harsh as Anna could make them sound. "I thought you cared for me. I didn't ask you to love me. But I thought you cared and it would have been enough." She turned away from him.

Waves of nausea came and went over the next few hours. At some point, a fire was lit in the grate to stay the chill of the night. Justin remained in the room. Although she had no desire to speak to him, Anna was glad to not be alone when she woke several times to the chimes of an unseen clock. He read by the fire, watched her, or gazed thoughtfully into the flames.

At last, Anna slept fitfully for hours but awoke in the early morning to severe pains in her abdomen and found herself covered in the evidence there would be no child. She cried out at the discovery, which woke Justin, asleep in the chair. He rushed to her after he turned up the lights.

"What is it?"

The concern on his face surprised her but fear was foremost on her mind. Unable to form words to explain, she pushed back the comforter. He gasped and rushed from the room, shouting for Edward to get a doctor. He quickly returned, sat on the bed, and pulled her ever so gently to lean against his chest. She welcomed the comfort, even from him, as pains continued to seize her body. He stroked her hair, and held her in silence until Edward returned with Dr. Mattison.

As Justin reluctantly left the room at the doctor's urging, she saw unshed tears in his eyes.

* * * *

Anna remained confined to Justin's house for a week before Dr. Mattison would allow her to return home. She spent the time in silent mourning for the lost child, and avoided Justin as he attempted to care for her in any way he could.

She was ever so pleased when she was allowed to return home. After her confinement, she wondered what Chase had told the servants as she was received at home with much concern. Michelle was particularly attentive. She fussed over her like a mother hen. After a few weeks, she ventured to ask Michelle.

"What did Mr. Trent tell you about my absence?" Anna asked as Michelle prepared her bed.

"He called us all together and told us you fell on the steps at Mr. Waring's house. He said you were severely injured."

"Is that all?"

"Well, not exactly." She lightly wrung her hands as she stepped back to allow Anna to sit on the bedside.

After she settled in, enjoying the feel of her own sheets, she asked, "What exactly did he say, then?"

"He told us the reason you have been so different since we returned from Brighton is because you saw a physician there and found out you would have—a baby. The baby was why you came back so happy."

"Really?" Anna was surprised.

"He gave me a very stern look when he said it."

"Yes, he would. He knows you could dispute his claim."

"He said when you met him at Mr. Waring's, you stumbled and fell down the front steps. He said you lost the baby." Michelle's eyes became watery.

"Thank you for your concern,” Anna reached out and squeezed her hand.

"Madam," she said, hesitantly. "You didn’t see a doctor in Brighton. I don't understand."

"Sit down." Anna patted the bedside. Michelle sat carefully, and gave Anna her full attention after dabbing at her eyes with the hem of her apron. "Michelle, I think you are due an explanation."

"Oh, you don't have to…" Michelle began.

"Yes, I do. You've been so loyal to me. You were a great help to me in Brighton and since we returned. I owe you this much. I did not see a doctor in Brighton but…I did conceive my baby there."

Michelle's eyes grew larger than Anna thought they could have as she realized what Anna confessed.

"Mr. Waring?"


After a few moments, Michelle stood very properly and addressed her.

"Madam, may I speak my mind?"

"Of course." Anna was not sure what she was about to hear.

"I think what you did in Brighton is of no concern to anyone else and I am happy for you. I think Mr. Waring is a very attractive and attentive person, and I must tell you he's been here several times to inquire about your health since you've come home. Mr. Trent would not allow anyone to tell you. As much heartache as you have from Mr. Trent, I am personally glad you found happiness, even with another man. I have no regrets about my evenings with Edward and you should have none about yours with Mr. Waring." She sat down, and waited for Anna's response.

"Thank you for understanding. I'll have you know, though, I do regret what I did. It was wrong of me, no matter what Mr. Trent does. Now," Anna hesitated to ask, "what's this about your evenings with Edward?" She raised a suspicious eyebrow.

Michelle stood and headed for the door. "I will be bringing your tea, madam." She smiled sheepishly, curtsied, and disappeared into the hall.

Anna leaned back into her pillows as she happily remembered once again one special night in Brighton.

* * * *

Several days later, Chase came to her room with an air of business. He spoke in a tone void of emotion and gave no opportunity for reply.

"I have decided after what has transpired on your holiday, I will be moving out of the house. I will not return until you have found some other place to reside. You may take Michelle with you or one of the other girls. I don't care which. I will be filing for divorce as soon as it is possible. After your conduct in Brighton, I can choose no other course."

He paced the room as he delivered his obviously well rehearsed speech. He stopped at the door on his way out and looked directly at his wife.

"I do regret you lost the child. After all, it could have been mine." He left the room and pulled the door silently closed behind him.

Anna sat quietly for some time, weighing the measures of happiness and sorrow his announcement delivered.

To Be Continued...


This book may not be reproduced in whole, or in part, by any means, without the expressed written consent of the author.

Any unauthorized reproduction of this book, other than by written authorization or contract by and with the author, is a violation of Federal Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Any trademarks referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders.

© 2008 Jena Galifany/Marge Conrad

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Her Perfect Man by Jena Galifany - Chapter 15


Anna stirred slowly. Her head ached with each thought. The room was far too bright this morning, painfully bright, although she had not yet opened her eyes. She wished she could call for Michelle to close the heavy drapes but was afraid to raise her voice for fear her head would explode. What had she done to herself? Cautiously, she opened one eye, to test the level of pain she could endure. When she did, she sat up and looked around, both eyes opened wide. Where was she? This was not her room.

Panic filled the valleys between the waves of pain. Her stomach roiled from the excess of wine she had consumed the night before. Someone stirred beside her. She was startled to find Justin beside her. He was covered to his waist, and his bare chest rose and fell in a comfortable sleep.

Anna reached for his robe, and slipped it around her as she slid from the bed. She backed away, opened the door, and tried to get out without waking him. It was hard to breathe as she looked around. What had she done? She couldn't remember—exactly.

She looked around the bedroom and the sitting room as she braced her back against the doorframe. She found the evidence of the night's escapades scattered all around. Clothes lay abandoned here and there on the floor in both rooms. Wisps of memory accompanied each article.

Justin had met her at the door of his suite. His shirt was Shakespearean with full sleeves and wide cuffs, open to reveal the muscular chest she had glimpsed earlier. His dark trousers were snug, and accented narrow hips and muscular thighs. She had commented on his appearance; it reminded her of a pirate or perhaps a lover from the Renaissance period.

Anna wore a sleeveless white summer dress, with a sky blue silk wrap. She had left her hair down, in cascades of fiery curls, flames licking at the white material. His shirt lay there, before the sofa where she'd pushed it from his shoulders, and let it fall during a lingering, passionate kiss. Her wrap lay coiled on the sofa and her shoes abandoned beside the door early in the evening due to the wine.

Two wine glasses remained on the low table. She had hardly been able to stand after she'd consumed much of a bottle with and after dinner. They'd been placed there before Justin opened the back of her dress during a caress-filled embrace. He gently stroked his fingers down her neck, across her shoulders, and pushed the loosed bodice as his hands continued down her arms. He sank before her, and pulled her down.

They knelt face-to-face before they became entwined on the thick carpet as they had in the tide. He delivered kisses and tender caresses until her senses screamed for so much more. When she could endure no more of the rapturous sensations, he suddenly stood and scooped her up in his arms, allowing her dress to fall away.

There it lay, in a crumpled heap where it dropped as he literally lifted her out of it, and left her in a camisole and underskirt. He swept her into the candlelit bedroom, and kicked the door closed.

Her stockings, where were they? There. Draped on the foot of the bed where he had placed them. She could feel his soft hands; they slid down each thigh as he removed one stocking, then the other.

Anna gasped. She didn't want to remember. She gathered her things from the two rooms and piled them on a chair in the bedroom. She returned to the bedside, and quietly searched for her undergarments. Justin had untied the ribbon ties of the camisole —slowly. Anna shook her head to dismiss the thought as she found the discarded garments at the edge of the bed.

Anna feared Edward would come in if she dressed in the sitting room so she closed the door, turned her back to the bed and tried to organize her things. She shook out her dress, and heard movement behind her. She turned to find Justin had pulled himself up and leaned against the upholstered headboard, watching her.

"Good morning." He smiled. "Sleep well?" How could he be so matter of fact? So perfectly calm?

"Justin." Anna blurted out his name.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, not looking too concerned.

"Oh, uh, nothing." She tried to maintain an air of indifference. But could not. "Oh, everything." She clutched her dress as she sank to a pile on the floor.

Anna buried her face in her dress. Tears burned her eyes.

Before she knew it, Justin was by her side. He pulled her to her feet, and held her. "I thought the night went perfectly," he commented. "What is it?" His voice carried a full measure of concern. "Are you so displeased with me? Did I not pleasure you?" He wrapped her in his arms and stroked her hair.

"It's not you." She fought to control her tears. "It's me. I’m afraid of what I have done."

"What you’ve done?" He looked into her eyes, his brows raised. "Isn't it what we’ve done? I did have a part in this, you know. A most satisfying part." He smiled again.

Anna's mouth pulled into a frown from the horrible way she felt—emotionally and physically. "Yes, you had a part but you don’t have to go home to face a spouse, knowing what you’ve done. I feel so…" She hesitated over the word.

"Guilty?" Justin offered.

"Yes." She looked up at him. "Very guilty."

He laughed, and pulled her to his warm, soothing chest once more. "You'll get used to it. You’ll see. In a few days, you'll think nothing of it."

"Really?" She clung to the hope.

"Really." His voice reassured her. "You will only remember what a wonderful night we had."

Just as she felt better, a wave of nausea swept over her; a sour taste filled the back of her throat. Anna didn't know if it was fear or the wine but it was most disagreeable. She pushed Justin gently away and sat down on the chair.

"Are you all right?" Justin asked.

"I'm feeling a bit ill, probably the wine." Or the guilt.

He went to the wardrobe, and put on trousers. He pulled on a shirt, but left it hanging open as he returned to her side.

"We need to get you something to eat. That should fix you right up."

Anna stood now that the nausea subsided. She pulled on the underskirt, turned her back to Justin as she dropped his robe, and slipped into her camisole. She suddenly felt modest. He gave a short laugh.

She swallowed. "If something is amusing, I could use a laugh."

"Well, it would certainly be too soon to consider the possibility of a child, wouldn't it?" He laughed again as he buttoned his shirt.

Anna's world collapsed.

* * * *

The remainder of the morning was a blur. They went to the dining room for breakfast. Although Anna still didn't feel up to facing people, it would have been too obvious had they ordered food to Justin's room since they had ordered dinner to be brought up the night before. The hotel employees were probably used to seeing this type of intrigue but Anna didn't want to be remembered in case she should ever return to the Grand Hotel Brighton.

She quietly slipped through the door of her suite so as not to wake Michelle and changed into her traveling clothes. She met Justin in the dining salon. As they ate, Edward and Michelle passed by the dining room doors. Anna groaned.

"What?" Justin asked.

"Michelle. She must know I didn’t return to my room last night." She felt miserable all over again.

"Don't worry." Justin casually turned his attention back to his steak and eggs. "She didn't make it back, either. Notice they were coming in, not going out." He looked at her, the smallest hint of a smile on his lips as he twitched his brows.

"Where has she been?" Anna narrowed her eyes.

"With Edward—dancing, gaming, somewhere about town. Probably watching the sunrise from the pier, if I know Edward, followed by an intimate breakfast at a sunny sidewalk café somewhere or suchlike. He really is a romantic."

"He kept her out all night?"

"Mmm. That's what I told him to do. He really is a very good valet, don't you think?" He looked rather pleased with himself and nodded toward her plate. "Eat. Don't want you to be ill on your way home."

"You see to every detail, don't you?" Anna toyed with the food on her plate. "Very professional, I would say."

Justin stopped eating and pinned her with his eyes. "I do everything professionally. No loose ends."

"Except possibly where children are concerned," she said, rather harshly as the thought plagued her mind.

"An acceptable risk," he countered.

"What if it's true?" Dread overcame her once more.

"I'll take care of it, as well. Don't worry." He patted her hand, took his cup, and leaned back in his chair, every bit enjoying the morning.

He said not to worry but when Anna thought of Chase finding out, she couldn’t help it.

* * * *

When Anna returned to her room after breakfast, she found a very worn out, red-faced, nervous Michelle attempting to pack clothes into the trunks, preparing for the trip home.

"Michelle?" Anna hardly said her name when the maid broke into tears.

"Oh, madam." She turned at the sound of Anna 's voice. "I’m so ashamed." Tears fell from her brown eyes, and dropped one by one onto Anna 's lavender dress she held draped over her arm.

"What is the matter, dear?" Anna went to the girl's side and placed an arm around her shoulders, then guided her to the bed to sit down. Michelle's shoulders shook with silent sobs.

"Oh, madam, I am so sorry. I should have come in last night. I'll pack my belongings and find another post as soon as we return home."

"Are you giving me notice? How could you leave me after this wonderful week we’ve enjoyed?" Anna squeezed her shoulders reassuringly.

"But don't you want me gone?" She looked at Anna wide-eyed. "I didn't return last night. Not at all."

"Did you have a good time with Edward?" Anna spoke in a soothing voice to try to draw her out.

"Oh, yes, madam. We had a wonderful time. Have you ever seen the sun rise from the end of a pier?" She wrapped herself in the memory of the morning. Anna could see it in her face.

"No, and that, my girl, sounds like a perfect memory for you to take home with you. I’ll strike a bargain with you," she said, patting Michelle's hand, "I'll not tell Mr. Trent of your behavior if you'll not tell him of mine. Then we shall both keep our place. Are we agreed?"

Michelle smiled brightly once more. "Yes, madam. Oh, thank you so much."

Anna could see the weight of Michelle's guilt lifted. If only she could be so happy and carefree.

"All right, then." Anna offered her hand to seal the deal. Michelle shook it vigorously. "Now, I want you to do one more thing."

"Anything, madam." She laid the dress aside and turned her complete attention to Anna.

"Go to your room and get a few hours of sleep. You will do me no good on the train if you can't stay awake." Anna pushed her forward to stand, and then toward the door.

"But the packing?"

"It will wait a few hours. The train is not until this afternoon. You can get four hours of sleep and still have time to pack. Now, go."

* * * *

Michelle managed to get everything packed and ready to go in plenty of time. She was tired but in bright spirits as she saw the trunks off to the station. Anna stood in the foyer, and waited for a carriage to take them when Justin burst through the door. He smiled as he saw her, and rushed to her side.

"Mrs. Trent, thank heaven you’ve not gone. I was afraid I'd missed you." He took a moment to catch his breath.

"I was hoping to say good-bye to you, Mr. Waring. Thank you for escorting us during this week. Mr. Trent will be glad to know we were in safe hands. It was very kind of you." Anna spoke the words she thought others that milled about the foyer expected to hear. She said nothing of what was truly in her heart: what she really wanted to tell Justin. She hoped he knew. His eyes were sympathetic as they caressed her face. She held out her hand to him. He took it and lightly squeezed before he released it.

"I bought you something." He reached into his coat pocket. He retrieved a small box and pressed it into her hand. "Don't open it until you are on the train. It’s a small reminder of your holiday in Brighton. I hope it was all you expected it to be, Mrs. Trent."

Anna hated hearing him call her by that name. She wished to hear him call her "Anna" once more. She hated going home to Chase but she could take with her the memory of the pleasures beyond imagination she had experienced at Justin's hands. Nothing Chase would do could take away her fantasy come true.

The ride to the station was quiet and the loading on the train hectic and loud, but Anna's thoughts remained on the man she left standing on the sidewalk outside the Grand Hotel, a sparkle in his ice blue eyes and a smile on his face. Before she knew it, the train lurched forward and they were on their way.

Anna took the gift from her bag, and carefully opened it. She found a golden seashell on a gold chain, a replica of the one he found on the beach. She smiled at the memory. Had it been only yesterday? So much had happened in such a short time. Anna placed the chain around her neck, felt the shell against her skin, and remembered the soft touch of Justin's lips.

The train screamed toward home, and in Anna's opinion, traveled much too fast.

* * * *

Anna's first thought was to contact Colin. Chase was not home and she really didn't care to see him just yet. Colin was foremost in her mind. She had to talk to him. She could not quite decide if she should tell him about Justin. Would he understand or would he be judgmental?

"Madam," came the excited voice of Mrs. Weathers. "How well you look. The sea really has done you good. I've heard that it is good for you and just look at you. You have color in your cheeks again."

"Mrs. Weathers, I missed you so much," Anna said. She pulled out a small wrapped package from her bag and handed it to Mrs. Weathers with a smile. "I brought you a little something."

The elderly housekeeper opened the gift, and lifted out the bracelet, holding it up in the light. Turning it around, she eyed each of the charms that glittered around the chain.

"Oh, madam, it's beautiful," she exclaimed.

“I thought you should get something for having to stay here with Mr. Trent." Anna laughed. "Where is he, by the way?"

"He hasn't been home in several days." She dropped her eyes at the confession.

"No matter." Anna mounted the stairs as Michelle came through the door with her bags. "Mrs. Weathers, have Mrs. Henderson fix a snack for Michelle. She has had a tiresome week and needs to eat and rest."

Michelle dropped the bags and curtsied her gratitude. Her eyes held the special secrets they shared.

"See to it she rests tonight and tomorrow as well. She was the perfect companion for me." Anna nodded her approval.

"Thank you, madam." Michelle dropped another curtsy.

"No, Michelle, thank you." Anna turned to climb the stairs. "Mrs. Weathers, please bring my tea," she called without turning around. "I will be in the parlor in a few minutes. Have the service brought there."

"Yes, madam." Mrs. Weathers turned to direct the driver that brought in the trunks.

Anna went to her room to change from the traveling clothes into something more comfortable. She brushed out her hair and put on a light summery dress. Somehow she felt younger, more carefree. Justin was correct. She hardly felt any guilt although twenty-four hours had not yet passed. She no longer suffered from her morning illness, nor had she suffered on the train. The travel was enjoyable, only the destination was not to her liking.

After she refreshed herself, she descended to the parlor to find Liza setting the tea service on the table. She poured out a cup, handed it to Anna as she passed by, and waited.

"Will there be anything else, madam?" she asked.

"Yes, could you tell Shaw that I would like to see him as soon as he is free." "Yes, madam." She left the room, and closed the door behind her.

Anna went to her writing desk and wrote a note to Colin, to ask him to meet her at the café in the morning for breakfast. After dispatching Shaw with the message, she settled herself for a quiet evening.

Anna spent the evening reading while she tenderly caressed the gold shell suspended around her neck, and remembered. Chase would never know what a wonderful thing he had done for her.

* * * *

"Anna?" Chase's voice broke into her sleep. She stirred, not ready to open her eyes. The soft call came again. "Anna."

"Yes, Chase." She groaned, and settled deeper into the pillows.

"Did you enjoy your holiday?"

"Yes, very much. Thank you for sending me." As if he really cared. She was sure he only wanted her out of his way for a while. "Did you miss me?" She had to ask, though she already knew he had not.

"Of course," he said, exaggerating, "I truly missed you."

"What time is it?" She was yet unwilling to open her eyes.

"It's six a.m."

Anna groaned, and pulled the pillow over her head. "Why are you waking me so early?"

"I just arrived and wanted to see you." He tenderly stroked her back. "Don't you want to see me?"

At six a.m.? Truthfully? No.

She kept the thought to herself. Anna turned to face him. He was in the bed beside her, propped up on one elbow. His eyes were red and half-closed. Why couldn't they be totally closed so she could go back to sleep? She forced a smile and lied. "Of course, I'm happy to see you. I'm just a bit tired, that’s all. Holidays can make one tired, you know." She fell back into the pillow, and hoped he would go away. He continued to stroke her arm.

"I thought you might want to properly thank me for sending you." He kissed her neck. His touch repulsed Anna but she dare not let him know. She couldn't understand why he had a sudden interest. The only time he was interested in her in the last several months was when it was a show of dominance. Now, he acted as if he truly loved her. She had serious doubts about the fact and wondered what he had in mind.

Chase pulled her against him. He was romantic, as he had been before they were married. Anna wanted to close her eyes, to enjoy his touch for once, but she feared if she did, he would revert to his usual cruel and abusive self.

"You know I love you. I always have." He placed light kisses here and there about her face, neck and shoulders. "You told me once you would never leave me. Do you remember?"

"I remember." She succumbed to his caresses and soft words. She closed her eyes, and envisioned this was how it was supposed to have been from the beginning. How she wished they could go back and begin again. How she wished they could change the things that separated them. How she wished she could love him, if she ever had. But it was enough to hear him profess his love for her. It was enough for her to remain his wife.

Passion escalated as she returned his attentions for the first time with deep desire and longing. She truly wanted him, for the first time. She wanted him to be as passionate and tender as her fantasy lover. There would be no guilt for her now. There was only the ecstasy that should have existed from the beginning.

To Be Continued...


This book may not be reproduced in whole, or in part, by any means, without the expressed written consent of the author.

Any unauthorized reproduction of this book, other than by written authorization or contract by and with the author, is a violation of Federal Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Any trademarks referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders.

© 2008 Jena Galifany/Marge Conrad

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Her Perfect Man by Jena Galifany - Chapter 14B


The following days were a rush of excitement. Michelle and Edward acted as chaperones to keep their outings respectable and Anna was glad to have Michelle there to keep her from yielding to a growing temptation. The time she spent with Justin seemed to be the most exciting days she had spent since her early days with Chase. She felt as if she had returned to her youth, when she had looked forward to being married, as well as having the joy of being in the society she had always wished to be a part of.

Justin was well known all over Brighton. He was greeted by name--at the theater, the Royal Pavilion, everywhere they went. This was a taste of the life Anna had expected to live with Chase. The days slipped by all too quickly. Anna believed Michelle enjoyed herself in the company of Edward. She was happy for her maid as well.

Before Anna knew it, Friday came. Saturday afternoon she would return to Southampton. Her thoughts turned to staying. Chase would never miss her, she thought. She would be pleased to continue in the company of Justin, at least for a while longer. It was only a dream, she knew, a fantasy, but a fantasy was something Chase could not ruin. Justin became the main focus of those sinful thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Anna hadn't smiled as much in the past few years as in the past four days. Chase was right. This time away did her a world of good.

* * * *

Walking along the beach was Anna's favorite experience. Each morning, she and Justin walked close to the water, while Edward and Michelle, on the boardwalk or strolling on the pier, would watch them. They walked along in full view, yet they talked without being overheard. These were probably the most dangerous times as Justin was very candid about his desires. Anna feared voicing what she felt, knowing it was best to keep her fantasy to herself.

Friday morning, she dressed in a plain lavender dress as she prepared for their walk. The cotton dress had a scoop neck and short sleeves, just right for the warm summer day. Anna and Michelle came down to the foyer expecting to walk to the beach as they had the past few days only to find Justin waiting in an open carriage outside the entrance. Edward was in the driver’s box. He hopped down as the women exited into the warm morning sunlight.

"Ladies," Justin called, "your carriage awaits you." He stood. He was dressed in dark brown trousers with a cream-colored shirt and vest. The day was already too warm for his jacket, which he had draped on the seat. His sleeves were rolled up to just above his elbows, very casual. Anna was glad, fearful she had dressed too casually.

Justin stepped down from the carriage, offered his hand, and helped Anna up. Michelle stepped forward but Justin halted her.

"Don't you suppose you would be more comfortable beside Edward, Miss Michelle?"

"Oh," Michelle pressed her fingers to her lips. "Do you think it would be acceptable?"

Anna rolled her eyes. "Michelle," she interjected, "nothing we have done this week is considered acceptable. We are on holiday, so shouldn't we be having an enjoyable time?" The comment brought a smile to Michelle's face, as well as a glint to Justin's eyes.

Edward stepped down, and helped her into the seat before he climbed up beside her. Anna didn't think she'd ever seen Michelle glow with such happiness as during the past few days.

"So, where are we going?" Anna asked as Edward urged the horse forward.

"I thought you might enjoy our walk along a more private stretch of sand. There is a nice area a bit north. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not. I enjoy our walks. It will be nice to have a change of scenery this morning. I don't know if we will have time to walk tomorrow. I'm leaving for home, you know." The thought of returning to Chase was not a pleasant one. There was nothing she could do about it except put the thought aside for now and enjoy the time she had left with Justin.

"I know. I want you to know having you here has been a dream come true, Anna. I've enjoyed it so very much." Justin stretched his legs out, slouched in the seat, and made himself comfortable as they rode out of the town.

"I would be lying if I said I was happy about returning home. This is the best thing Chase has given me in years."

"Do you think sending him a thank you card would be the proper thing to do?" Justin said, quite seriously.

"Don't you dare, Mr. Waring." A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "What could you possibly write in it?"

Justin leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "Umm—how about this," he began. "My dearest Mr. Trent. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for sending your wife, unaccompanied, to Brighton. We were able to spend many wonderful days together. The absence of your dismal presence served to keep our days from being long and tedious. I further wish to thank you for the use of your wife in a manner of which I don't believe you would approve. As I am a gentleman, the details of our activities, of course, are none of your business."

Anna could not help but laugh, though she wondered what he meant. He was certainly bold in his musings.

"Again, Mr. Trent," Justin continued, "if you should ever wish to send your lovely wife away again, be sure to inform me so I might make arrangements to be available when she arrives. We will be pleased to take up our relations where we left off. Sincerely, Justin Waring, Esquire."

"You wouldn't dare," Anna challenged, but wondered at the reaction the note would inspire from her husband. "You are too bold, Justin."

"Boldness is essential in my line of work. Look," he pulled himself to a sitting position, "we are nearly there."

Edward drove around a curve and a small stretch of sand appeared. He drove off of the path and pulled up at the edge of the sand. A large tree stood at the edge of a grassy area where it met the sand. Edward pulled up by a shady spot. Justin stood, and offered his hand after he stepped out onto the grass.

"M'lady." He waved his hand across the beach in presentation. "I give you the privacy of our personal seaside retreat. I hope you will enjoy your stay."

"It is very nice. There really is no one around, is there?" She scanned from one end of the deserted beach to the other.

The small stretch of shoreline disappeared at each end behind grassy knolls sculptured by centuries of incoming waves. A cluster of rocks stood in the water at the end of the left knoll as if they had been tossed there from the top of the hill. The dunes rose midway down the beach. Anna could see the incoming waves, but where they broke on shore was hidden behind the dunes. The grass, wrapped around in a curve, swept to the tree where they stood and continued around to the other knoll. The private beach appeared to be hemmed in by a ribbon of green. It was beautiful.

"Edward, keep an eye on Miss Michelle, won't you?" Justin ordered. "Mrs. Trent, I may be a bit out of line, but I would suggest you and your maid remove your shoes and stockings. The sand is quite fine and you would find it most enjoyable to walk in the water instead of beside it." Justin and Edward moved toward the water a few steps and looked out to sea.

Michelle gasped at the suggestion. Anna gave a shrug, kicked off her shoes and sat on the edge of the carriage to lift her skirt to remove her stockings. Michelle reluctantly followed her example. She collected her stockings and shoes, then Anna's, and placed them on the floor of the carriage.

"All right, gentlemen," Anna said when they were ready. As the women watched, both men removed their shoes and socks; Edward collected them and placed them beside the others. Edward came to Michelle and offered his arm, which she took. The two walked toward the dunes.

Justin and Anna watched them wander away before Justin offered his arm. They walked side by side, across the expanse of white sand to the water's edge where Justin protectively walked between her and the sea. The sand was warm on Anna's bare feet. It was a sensation she had not experienced since she was a child. Just to be with Justin made her feel young. Life with Chase had aged her considerably.

Justin rolled his trouser legs up and allowed the breaking waves to wash over his feet. Anna was a little intimidated by the feel of the sand as it was pulled from beneath her and tried to stay beyond the reach of the tide.

"Why are you not married?" Anna had thought about this several times in the last few days. "A man as attractive as you must have several women of prominence seeking your attention."

"There are several." Justin picked up a small shell as they strolled. He looked thoughtfully out to sea. "They are only interested in my money or the status it would give them to be Mrs. Waring." He shook his head. "No, I want something more when I seek a permanent relationship. Perhaps someday it will come."

"All right, then, why would a man like you be wasting your time here with a married woman like me?" Anna wondered aloud as she watched a seagull glide serenely across the bright mid-morning sky.

Justin gave her a sly sideways glance. He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes as he evaluated her worthiness to share his secret.

"No." He finally shook his head. "You would not understand now. Maybe I will tell you, but not yet." He pressed the white shell into her hand. It was perfectly fan-shaped and ridged, very pretty. Anna turned it over in her hand, and inspected it before she pushed it far into the pocket of her dress for safekeeping.

"A memento," he said, "a picture of my life. It is beautiful on the surface, yet empty inside."

"Is your life so empty? You are the happiest man I know."

"Yes, it is empty. But," he grinned, and suddenly grabbed her hand. "I do try to make the best of each moment."

"You deserve someone who—Justin! No!" Justin ran toward the sea, and pulled her along beside him. Anna screamed as they ran knee-deep into the water before they met the incoming wave, or, rather, it met them. Justin dove through the wave as Anna crouched down, engulfed. She was unable to stand as the strong tide ebbed away. Her feet were pulled out from under her and she felt herself slip down as she was pulled under by the weight of her saturated dress.

Anna held her breath as a second wave crashed over her. She hadn't been in the water since she was a young girl. She could not stay afloat with the added weight of her dress.

As the sea retreated once more taking her with it, Anna felt strong arms slip around her waist, and lift her upward. As her face met the warm air, she gasped. Then laughed. She laughed a long, tension-releasing laugh as Justin pulled her back against his chest. They floated in shallow water, half-submerged and breathless as several more waves broke over them. Each wave pushed them closer to shore before one threatened to pull Anna from Justin's grasp. The water equaled her emotions; she wavered between the freedom of the sea and the desire for Justin. He held her tight, his strong arms wrapped firmly around her. Never had she felt so secure.

Anna felt his heartbeat, and realized it echoed her own. As the sea pushed them onto firm sand like pieces of driftwood, she turned, and looked into his face. He was silent, serious.

Anna whispered, "What is it?"

Without a word, Justin pulled her upward, maneuvered her effortlessly until her face was inches from his, and her body situated on top of his. Silently, he drew her closer until his mouth met hers. Anna's hands pressed against his chest but she had neither the strength nor the desire to push him away. Several waves broke and washed around them, as she lay wrapped in his desire. They took no notice.

Untold minutes passed before the kiss ended and Anna opened her eyes. Tendrils of her hair clung to his neck and shoulders, no more willing to retreat from his touch than she was. The skirt of her dress washed upward, and exposed her legs to the warmth of the sun. The drenched material wound its way around them both to create a cocoon Anna was reluctant to emerge from.

Justin's gaze locked with Anna's. "You were saying?" His voice was deep with passion.

Anna rested her head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest, his vest cool against her warm cheek. Keeping one arm around her, he enveloped her hand in his. Gently he brought it to his lips, and placed kisses on her palm, her wrist. Anna found it increasingly difficult to think, let alone speak or breathe as she felt their bodies pressed against one another. Despite the sea that surrounded them, she swallowed hard against the dryness of her throat and pressed her lips together as she fought to maintain her last shred of resistance. How she managed to speak again, she couldn't tell.

"You—definitely should be—loved for who—you are." The sensations she was experiencing were electrifying.

Justin kissed her palm again then turned her hand to deliver small, slow kisses along her fingers. He whispered, "Who am I, Anna? Do you really know?" He gently laid her on her back on the wet sand, and hovered beside her. He moved his attention to her neck as she slipped her arms around him.

Desire enveloped her like a fog. Her eyes closed and she knew that if she didn't open them again she would faint. Her body cried for him—to hold her, to kiss her again.

"You—you are—Justin Waring," She struggled to speak the words as she savored the touch of his warm lips along the neckline of her dress.

"Yours for the asking, Anna." He slipped his arms beneath her shoulders, and lifted her back from the sand. Supporting her head in his hands, he locked his eyes on hers once more. "Please ask," he whispered, urgently. "Ask." Before she could answer, he pulled her once more into a kiss that broke all restraint for them both. Time no longer existed. Anna had no idea how long they lay entwined on the sand. Justin took his mouth ever so gently away. He held her tight, stroked her hair, and kissed her face, her eyes.

"Be my woman," he whispered, breathlessly. He held her to his chest as he rolled on his side. Somewhere overhead, a gull cried, and brought the reality of where they were. His request left Anna speechless.

After a few silent minutes, Justin stirred. "Maybe we should return before Edward and Michelle become alarmed. From where they are, they can't see us. They may think we were swept away."

"We were," Anna observed, perfectly content to remain on the sand in his arms, not caring if Michelle discovered what she was engaged in. She saw Justin in a new light. He was no longer a man to be feared, but to be desired. Any loyalty she held for Chase winged its way to Southampton on the back of a screaming seagull.

Justin helped Anna to separate her skirt from his legs. He pulled her up, and helped her to walk as they waded carefully into the water to rinse the sand from their hair and clothing, mindful of the breaking waves. Once out of the water, they slowly walked toward Edward and Michelle who had, Anna had no doubt, witnessed the display of passion. The servants stood by the carriage. When Michelle turned, she gasped. She hurried down the beach, and Edward followed.

"Do you suppose she saw us?" Anna whispered.

"No, the dunes blocked her view. See how the beach dips down before the water’s edge?"

Anna turned back, and noted with relief it was true. She smiled as Michelle reached them.

"Madam! What happened?"

"It seems I was a little too close to the waves. I was pulled in. Mr. Waring was kind enough to help me out."

"Oh, sir," Michelle gushed with gratitude. "Thank you so much. She may have been washed away had it not been for you." She helped Anna to lift her skirts to walk easier.

"I came very close to being carried away, Michelle," Anna confided, her eyes on Justin.

"It was completely my pleasure to be of service." Justin bowed slightly to her. "Edward. Fetch the blanket from the carriage and spread it on the sand for Mrs. Trent to dry herself in the sun."

"Yes, sir," Edward called as he hurried up the beach. He returned shortly and Michelle helped him to spread the large blanket on the sand. Justin helped Anna to sit as Michelle spread the full skirt out around her to dry.

"Well, it’s a good thing it’s a warm day," Anna commented. "I should be dry in no time."

Justin seated himself on a corner of the blanket. "Edward, did you think to bring wine?"

"Of course, sir."

"Mrs. Trent may need a glass to fight off the shock of her experience."

"I might add, sir, you could probably use a touch as well." Edward noted how Justin was equally as wet. Justin removed his vest, and laid it in the sun. He opened his shirt several buttons, then raked his hair back with his fingers.

Anna could not help but smile and bite her lip to hide it as Michelle blushed. Justin's cream-colored shirt had become transparent and it clung to his muscular body. Michelle turned away, and followed Edward across the sand once more the carriage. When she was far enough away, Anna leaned toward Justin.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" She grinned.

"Did what?" Justin put on his innocent look again.

"You wore that shirt purposely and planned to pull me into the water. And now my poor young maid is awestruck by the display of your body in such a manner. She has probably never seen a man's body before, much less one like yours."

Justin looked down at himself then up at Anna. "Are you offended?"

"Not at all." She was well pleased with what she saw. She forced her eyes toward the sea once more, thoughtful. "But where do we go from here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what do we do now? Was one display of passion all we have or is there more?"

"I suppose it would depend on you. What do you want?"

Anna puzzled on how to answer such a delicate question. If she told him what she really felt, how would he react? The morning’s events changed her life. She made the decision to fully enjoy the time left with Justin and wanted to indulge in whatever he would offer. He wanted her when Chase did not. He was here. Chase was not. Hadn't Chase given her to him once before? Anna justified her feelings in her mind before she ventured ahead.

"I want you, Justin." She turned her gaze on him.

"Tonight." Justin whispered. His eyes flashed with something akin to triumph. His demeanor was serious, as a man determined to fulfill a promise. Anna felt her stomach tighten at the thought of the plans she had committed to. The taste of his kiss and the feel of his lips on her neck still fresh, she yearned for the evening, no matter the fear. For now, she had to content herself to sit by him respectfully, so Michelle and Edward would not suspect.

Michelle. What could she tell her? How could she get away without her for time with Justin? She would think of something.

"Here we are, sir, madam." Edward’s voice broke Anna's thoughts and the hold Justin had on her eyes. He returned with a basket on one arm and Michelle on the other. He and Michelle quickly set out a bottle of wine, two glasses, cold chicken, cheese, and bread. Anna watched in silence as the servants finished their task.

"Thank you, Edward." Justin opened the wine, and filled the glasses. "Why don't you take Miss Michelle down by the water? Just be careful you don't lose her to the waves." Michelle looked to Anna in askance and she nodded.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Edward led Michelle away by the arm.

"Very clever." Anna watched the light breeze ruffle Justin's shirt open as it dried. "Here we are, alone, Mr. Waring, and there is nothing we can do."

"Tonight will be worth waiting for, Mrs. Trent. I promise you."

Justin offered a glass of wine. She took it with trembling hand, and thought back to another time when a blanket and a glass of champagne punctuated a change in her life. Justin held her hand steady for a moment. He gave her a reassuring smile as he held up his glass.


"Tonight," she repeated and took a long sip.

They engaged in small talk as they sampled the meat and cheese. Mostly, she indulged in the wine. She was anxious, excited, and terrified all in the same moment. She busied herself shaking out her skirt, and turned it in the sun as it dried.

After some time, it became too warm in the sun. Justin appeared fairly dry as well. His shirt no longer clung to his body, much to Anna's displeasure.

Anna fanned herself. "It’s getting warm, isn't it? Or is it the wine?" She put her hand to her forehead.

"It is getting a bit warm. Stand and I’ll pull the blanket to the shade." Anna stood, her balance slightly affected by the alcohol. Justin handed her his glass as he pulled the blanket, feast and all onto the grass under the tree. Anna followed along, a glass in each hand, sipping as she went.

Justin leaned against the tree and invited her to sit with her back to his chest. Handing him his glass, she leaned her head back and felt utterly relaxed, at ease. He leaned his cheek on her head as his arm found its way around her. What started as a fearful experience, she thought, couldn't have turned out better. Yes, it was the thrill of engaging in forbidden pleasures that so enticed Chase. Anna felt no guilt. It surprised and thrilled her. With these musings, she hardly heard Justin speak.

With his arm surrounding her, he quietly spoke. "I could stay like this forever." Anna turned, smiling, and he kissed her forehead. "But I think both your husband and Michelle would soon be looking for us, hmmm?"

"And what about Edward? Don't you think he would wonder what became of you?"

"No. Actually, he is used to my disappearances. He is dutiful and simply waits for me to return."

"Do you disappear often?" She wanted to know so much more about him.

"Only when business calls. Edward understands I can be called at any hour of the day or night."

"Just what business are you engaged in? I thought someone with degrees in business would be able to work normal daytime hours and have the evening to himself."

"Yes, but I delve into other pursuits you would not understand. I have other talents you have yet to discover. So, let us enjoy the day and our last night, as well." He kissed the top of her head again as she relaxed against him. "Speaking of the night, I have a request of Edward to ask you."

"What would that be?" She leaned forward to sip her wine.

"He wanted your permission to take Michelle out this evening. As it is our last night, could you see to it Michelle takes home a sweet memory of this trip? Edward could show her around Brighton without us to get in the way. I am sure Michelle would enjoy it."

"I will ask Michelle if she would enjoy it. Thank Edward for asking. Michelle is such a timid thing."

"Thank you, Anna. You will have dinner with me tonight, of course?"

"Of course," she concluded. "We can wonder what the servants are up to," she joked.

"We will have something infinitely more interesting to do." He squeezed her shoulder lightly. He guided the glass to her lips. "Drink up, Mrs. Trent. These moments are just a taste of pleasures to come."

As she drank, he emptied his glass and refilled it. He filled her glass as well and encouraged her to indulge in the deep red liquid.

To Be Continued...


This book may not be reproduced in whole, or in part, by any means, without the expressed written consent of the author.

Any unauthorized reproduction of this book, other than by written authorization or contract by and with the author, is a violation of Federal Law and will be prosecuted to the full extent of that law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination, or are fictitiously used. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Any trademarks referred to within this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders.

© 2008 Jena Galifany/Marge Conrad